Integrating Stripe into a Next.js application allows you to handle payments seamlessly. Stripe provides a robust and developer-friendly API for handling subscriptions, one-time payments, and invoicing. This guide walks you through the process of integrating Stripe into a Next.js application step-by-step.
Navigate to API keys under the Developers section.
Copy the Publishable Key and Secret Key.
Step 2: Backend Setup
Stripe needs a secure server to handle sensitive operations like creating a payment intent. Next.js API routes work well for this purpose.
Create an API route for Stripe payment intent:
Add the following code to create-payment-intent.js:
Add your Stripe secret key to an .env.local file:
Restart your Next.js development server to apply the new environment variables:
Step 3: Frontend Setup
The frontend interacts with Stripe to handle user payments.
Set up the Stripe provider:
Replace your_publishable_key with your actual Stripe publishable key.
Create a payment form component:
Use the CheckoutForm component in a page:
Step 4: Testing Payments
Use Stripe’s test cards to simulate transactions. For example, use:
Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry: Any future date
CVC: Any 3 digits
Run the application:
Navigate to http://localhost:3000 and test the payment flow.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated Stripe into your Next.js application. You can now customize and expand this setup to include subscriptions, webhooks, or other advanced Stripe features.